Darkstalkers: Official Complete Works

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Other Media

Darkstalkers: Official Complete Works Details

It's the ultimate collection of Darkstalkers artwork and history! Darkstalkers: Official Complete Works collects the artwork of every Darkstalkers game, including key visuals, character illustrations, promotional artwork, rough concepts, and creator commentary. Also featured are multiple new interviews with the creators behind the series, plus all-new tribute pinups from your favorite Capcom artists!


I have the Darkstalkers Graphic File book and a prior reviewer mentionedthat much of this book is recycled from that. This is true. However, Idon't regret having purchased both. This book is laid out perfectly,with full-page tribute/poster artwork to start and each individual gameart to follow. You'll find yourself reading about every step of the process:original design, concepts, troubles & concerns anda retrospective look at what the artist might change today looking back. It'sa depth I've seen in some books but never to the extent Darkstalkers OfficialComplete Works has and it keeps me going back. As I run a site thatcollects Street Fighter & Darkstalkers art, most of the game-specific art isnothing new, but they are large pictures and are wonderful. This book collectseverything including Darkstalkers Resurrection from 2013.However, that's only half the book. Covering all the games in the series (andreferring to them by their Japanese names where applicable), the book thengoes on to supplemental materials and art where Darkstalkers fighters appearedin other titles. While I expected Marvel vs. Capcom and Capcom Fighting Jam tobe in there, I was surprised to see even titles like Namco X Capcom and Cross Edge.Once again we're treated to sketches, concept art, level background design,calendars, posters, promo art...(I could really go on for a while). Thisbook also includes translated interviews, character bios and more. The lastsections of the book are jam packed with images.I may be gushing here, but having collected several hundred dollars' worth ofart books, I've seen few include quite so much. I have some in my collection thatwarrant a gander every so often, but with so many visuals and so much accompanyingtext, it's fun to return and I haven't nearly read it all yet.Finally, the quality of the paper is high and the binding is solid. It's not thebest in my collection and by far not the worst.I think Udon has improved their game and put out one of the best collections. Forany fan of Vampire/Darkstalkers, I think this is a no-brainer.

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